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Brain Fuel Shot

Reishi, Ashwagandha, Chaga, Guayusa, Ananas, Citron

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Devenez le crayon le plus aiguisé de la gang grâce aux pouvoirs des champignons fonctionnels ! Le Brain Fuel shot est conçu à partir de reishi, ashwagandha, chaga, guayusa, ananas et d'autres ingrédients soigneusement sélectionnés pour stimuler votre cerveau et votre corps. Profitez de cette boisson puissante pour améliorer votre concentration, réduire le stress et augmenter votre énergie, le tout dans une expérience gustative unique. Donnez à votre cerveau le carburant dont il a besoin pour briller.

Botanical infusion (Filtered water, Astragalus roots*, Ashwagandha roots*, Guayusa leaves*, Extract reishi fruiting organ*, Chaga mushroom mycelia*, Cold-pressed pineapple juice. *Organic

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Contains Caffeine Despite no mention on label

The product contains Guayusa, a plant with high levels of caffein. It would be good to mention this for people who are sensitive to caffeine for health reasons.


This one had to grow on me for that mushroom taste. It took me a few drinks to get used to. It's not bad at all. It's even better now lol. I'm not a huge mushroom fan cause the tastes but they are a must!! Soooo good for you. This is worth getting. And I do love it. I get it every order. Always have one 1st thing in the morning.

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